Saturday, August 30, 2008

Scenario - how the Palin pick might play out

Brilliant idea from "gorefan" on the First Look posts at MSNBC:
Some are describing her as Dan Quayle in a dress (because of her lack of experience), others as a female Alberto Gonzales (because of the hiring and firing scandal), but I see her as the female TOM EAGLETON.
I see it playing out like this: After the convention, the press will descend on her and McCain with questions about the firing of state employee for personal reasons, and then they will ask about the budget deficit she left as mayor of Wasilla. It will be a constant barrage and distraction from the message of the campaign. Next the National Enquirer will run stories about her not be the mother of the infant baby. Finally, after several weeks of agony for the Republicans, Gov. Palin will announce that she is withdrawing her name from the Republican ticket. The McCain campaign will accept the resignation, and McCain will hold a press conference to denounce the media as "agents of titillation" only concerned with scandals which increase their ratings. He will blame the democrats and entrenched political establishment for practicing the "politics of destruction" for driving a "good decent woman, mother of five, and mother of soldier currently in Iraq, from public service." but he will save his sharpest criticism for his own Republican party and the social conservatives who use "narrowly defined litmus tests" to eliminate perfectly qualified candidates who fail those tests. He will say that the only litmus test that he will apply is whether the candidate is ready to be President of the United States. Several days later, no longer under the constraints of a nominating convention, he will pick his real choice, his friend, his soul mate Joe Lieberman to be his running mate. He will also announce that like his hero Teddy Roosevelt, if elected he will not seek a second term.

Sarah Palin and the maternity of her Downs Syndrome baby-her daughter's?

This site has brought up the spectre of Palin's Downs' Syndrome baby being her teenage daughter's baby:

Palin's Sun/Saturn/Mars conjunction in Aquarius is quite a forceful configuration, in Aq., signature of trailblazers, stubborn, unusual even eccentric personalities. The squares to it can mean lying, deception, hidden problems, whereas the opposition [in Richard Nixon's chart] points to betrayal from others.

Donna Cunningham says Outer Planet Person aspects-Uranus, Neptune and/or Pluto strongly aspected or angular in the natal chart-give checkerboard lives, make for the kind of people who do many different things until they find their way in their forties. I'm a Uranian, so I know the drill.

Her Neptune is aspected abundantly, as it also is sesqui. Venus. The sesquiquadrate, 135 *, is interpreted as providing an irritation or agitation on the planets involved, thus its reputation for being an aspect of stress. Obviously having five children, a husband, a political career, and being an athletic outdoorswoman, Ms. Palin knows how to handle stress.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin an interesting v.p. choice - Klondike Barbie?

McCain's v.p. pick, Sarah Palin, was born Feb. 11, 1964, in Sandpoint, Idaho. I felt a strong revulsion this morning at the announcement of the pick at seeing Palin's daughter holding the newborn baby. It just looked wrong, like the young daughter is doing the parental job. I wondered, what is Palin doing--about to commit so much time to campaigning when she has a special needs infant to take care of and another who is four? Perhaps my Obama bias is kicking in.

Nevertheless, Palin's Sun/Saturn/Mars conjunction in Aquarius is a doozy of a configuration, in Aq., signature of trailblazers, stubborn, unusual even eccentric personalities. The sq. from Neptune says she blazes the trail, holds the stubbornness in an inspired, if sometimes misguided way.

I hope Palin's TOB surfaces soon.

Her Neptune is fully aspected, sq. n. Sun, sesqui. Venus, sq. Mars and Saturn, rather frightening contacts with the planet of delusion and oil. It quintiles Mercury and possibly her Moon for sure.

The sesquiquadrate, planets 135 degrees apart, provides irritation or agitation to the planets involved, thus its reputation for being an aspect of stress. Obbviously having five children, a husband, a political career, and being an athletic outdoorswoman, Ms. Palin knows how to handle stress.

This campaign is so interesting. Each of the four candidates on the tickets has a compelling tragedy/circumstance--death and being widowed [Biden], abandonment [Obama], captivity [McCain], Downs' syndrome [Palin].

Palin has three biquintiles, special talents and abilities, to Uranus from her Moon, Mercury and Jupiter. So her personal planets, thus her personal life, is very Uranian. The hunting, fishing, snowboarding show that.

McCain has Uranian biquintiles also, from n. Mercury and Jupiter, and with his Moon/Chiron. Lots of special talents on this ticket which will unfold in the next 66 days.

Someone on Huffington's post called Palin Klondike Barbie. Her Venus might be angular and taking even more stress than indicated by two natal sextiles to personal planets and a sesquis. to Neptune.

Obama has biquintiles too, one from Jupiter to Pluto, both outer planets, thus the societal impact and grandness of his vision, and another from Mars to his rising sign, showing that he is indefatigueable.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Joe Biden with the other USA Chart still compelling

The synastry with Biden and the Gemini rising USA chart is equally compelling because the planetary aspects remain the same except for the Moon which moves fastest of all.

The USA Moon, earlier in Aquarius, squares Biden's Mercury, indicating the squabbling and adamant pronouncements he's known for. Still no favorable aspects from Biden's chart to the USA Moon exist.

The Gemini rising USA chart does place Biden's key Saturn right on the USA Ascendant conj. the USA Uranus. That Saturn-Uranus hookup portends the great "thrilla in manilla" between the mighty old system, i.e. the USA that's very 20th century. And the future, text messaged to generation X's palm.

It's interesting that the transiting Saturn-Uranus opposition falls exact on election day 2008. Biden's like a suspicious troop reinforcement in the battle of the old guard vs. the new guard. He looks old guard, he's 65, he's a part of the establishment, he talks tough militarily. But here he is supporting the new guy. Is this a trick? Is he really going to be supportive?

Sometimes it's good to look at the year or era of a person's birth to understand him or her better. To have been born in 1942 means one's parents, one's infancy was full of war talk, rations, women left at home while thousands went overseas to fight. We tend to romanticize war in retrospect, but WWII required tremendous sacrifice-twenty million victory gardens, freezing hosiery to make it last, FDR's fireside chats.

Just like the generation of the Great Depression-era 30s never forgot the harshness and economies of that era, those born in war don't forget its lessons nor its requirements. Perhaps Biden is harbinger of more war than we can imagine right now, exhausted from Iraq, our attention momentarily diverted from the horrific pictures of Georgia, Israel/Palestine, Darfur, etc. by the prospect of a charismatic young President at the helm.

Joe Biden - a good choice for veepee

I like the Biden choice from many angles. Looking at the synastry between Biden's chart and the Sag rising USA chart, we see that Biden's retrograde Jupiter, his chart ruler, conjuncts the USA Mercury, opposing the USA Pluto. That USA Mercury-Pluto opposition in Cancer/Capricorn, is key to our foreign affairs and holds for any July 4th, 1776 chart, no matter the rising sign. It points to Biden's valuable length of tenure in the Senate handling judicial and foreign affairs, both 9th house matters.

Biden's birthdata: 11/20.1942, 8:29 am, Scranton, PA. See for the USA chart.

I love Biden's tough Scorpio Sun with its combust Venus which explains his magnetism and affectionate Irish geniality. This Sun/Venus/Merc. conjunction trines his n. Jup. and USA's n. Merc. His Mars, also in Scorp., trines the USA's Jupiter/Venus, again bringing in that vociferousness he's known for, yet the joking, appealing side. Some were shocked at his lugubriousness at judicial hearings. But he's obviously at home wielding power in his own way.

The lack of strong harmonious Moon interaspects shows why Biden couldn't win two Presidential bids [Michael O'Reily argues that it's all-important for Presidents to connect to the USA Moon at 27 Aq., thus appealing to the public and capturing the vote]: Biden's Moon in Taurus squares the USA Pluto in late Cap. though it sextiles the USA Venus in Cancer. His only Ptolemaic [major] aspects to the USA Moon are squares from his Sun/Ven. Those interaspect squares in fixed signs show that we will see even more of his some say principled, others say irascible side in the future. He's not going to bite his tongue--ever. Presidents have mouthy veepees-remember Spiro Agnew? The job is a perfect place for attitude, and, of course, the campaign trail calls for a v.p. attack dog.

Another interesting interaspect that echoes Obama's Neptune close contact with the USA chart is the USA Neptune sitting on Biden's Midheaven with his own Neptune not far away in the 10th house of prominence. Inspiration, inspiration, inspiration is the hallmark of Neptune. You gotta get people inspired to get them out of their mundane worlds and to the polls. To the t-shirt wearing stage. To the participatory democracy stage. I'd like to see how McCain tops this.

Biden's retrograde Pluto is exactly conjunct the USA North Node, a mark of destiny, and promises transformation and regeneration which the country needs badly. The charts' Saturns are trine in air signs, lots of communication and plans made through agreements and talks. Looks like Biden will be a veep-ambassador more than most. No Cheney-in-the-bunker type here.

Pardon my bias. I have the Sun in Cancer right on Biden's Jupiter; my Moon in Pisces trines his Scorpio planets. Biden's long political career speaks to his strong Saturn, conj. Uranus, at his 7th house angle, his Descendant. It points to the tragedy that occurred one month after winning his Senate seat and losing his wife and infant in a car-train collision. Yet he rebounded, Scorpionically, and went on to become Delaware's longest serving senator. I know the power of water strength in a chart. It can wear away the rock every time. It just takes time.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

John Edwards and Rielle Hunter- not just a jump-off

The composite chart of Edwards and Rielle Hunter is very compelling. It has more punch and juice between the two of them than many other composites that I've done before, including these key aspects: Sun in the Eleventh House • Sun Conjunct Venus • Sun Conjunct Mars • Sun Conjunct Jupiter • Moon in the Second House • Moon Conjunct Uranus • Venus in the Eleventh House • Venus Conjunct Mars • Venus Conjunct Jupiter. Maybe it's love. Maybe she's more than a jump-off [contemporary slang for mistress]. One might argue that these are lust, fun, and travel aspects, but look at the natal chart interchanges:

His Mars in Gemini makes a grand trine with her 5th h. Moon in Libra/9th h. Sat in Aq. Her 5th h. Nep trines his 1st h.Ur. The affair and the child fulfill something unique, even eccentric, about him that he's proud of. Check out the webvideos she made of him. He says he wants to be revealed publicly for who he is, not just a Ken doll.

They each have a Sun/Mars conj; their natal Mars are squared which produces friction to be sure, but still not insubstantial. Her Sat. squares his 11th h. Moon/Jup/Juno which reflects the child, the affair[Juno] and the wrecking of his public idealism. They're connected for better or worse.

Look at Edwards' Sat/Nept on the cusp of her 5th h. of children and love affairs, opposite her Merc/Jup. on the cusp of her 11th h. With his son tragically lost in a car accident, not to mention a mate with a terminal illness, I wager he would be averse to turning his back on his own kin/blood.

His 11th h. Venus trines her 3rd. h. Uran/Pl, both retrograde. Perhaps this is a backwards love, the horse before the cart. Each also possesses an 11th h. Venus, which gives an Aquarian off-beat friendship cast to romantic liasons.

Her 11th h. Venus squares his 2nd. h. Pluto, which speaks of the $$ exchanges going on to keep her hidden, the baby cared for, etc. Two Venus-Pluto interchanges say this is fated, tumultuous, life-changing [more like life-churning], volcanic, explosive, possessive-oriented. The sq. goes to his Pl. in 2nd h. He will own this child publicly in due time, but I bet he's owning it already in private.

His Juno/Moon/Jup opposes her Juno. Yes, an affair was inescapable, once their ships had passed in the night. He has a loaded 12th h.-Sun/Mars/Merc. in Gemini, signalling hidden affairs, hidden strength, hidden resolutions. Her NN conj. his Merc, sq. her own Sun shows her cross-purposes with herself touched on a fundamental schism within him that perhaps he wanted to come to grips with once and for all.

I don't care how public they are; humans are susceptible to wanting to transform on a deep personal level. Everybody has a Uranus and a Pluto. Everyone gets hit by outer planet transits. He got hit by Neptune trining his Gemini planets, and Ur. squaring them and Pl. opposing that Mars in late Gem. for the last two years. He wanted deep inner/interpersonal change. Being Prez would not have helped. He would have had to keep the pretty facade and tend to far larger universal issues, prety much a contradiction right there. His road to the White House ended with Kerry, quiet as it's kept. Planets in the 12th house can mean that we cannot see a person clearly because his public image is distorted. Often public office holders with a 12th house Sun undergo extreme personal sacrifice and ego attacks. Some have speculated that this prepares them for the humiliation that comes with ignominy associated with the 12th house.
I can't help think of the Susan Sarandon film Stepmom where she was terminally-ill and Julia Roberts was the next up wifey. This is really an intensely personal dilemma for John and Elizabeth Edwards and now for Rielle Hunter as well.