Wednesday, August 13, 2008

John Edwards and Rielle Hunter- not just a jump-off

The composite chart of Edwards and Rielle Hunter is very compelling. It has more punch and juice between the two of them than many other composites that I've done before, including these key aspects: Sun in the Eleventh House • Sun Conjunct Venus • Sun Conjunct Mars • Sun Conjunct Jupiter • Moon in the Second House • Moon Conjunct Uranus • Venus in the Eleventh House • Venus Conjunct Mars • Venus Conjunct Jupiter. Maybe it's love. Maybe she's more than a jump-off [contemporary slang for mistress]. One might argue that these are lust, fun, and travel aspects, but look at the natal chart interchanges:

His Mars in Gemini makes a grand trine with her 5th h. Moon in Libra/9th h. Sat in Aq. Her 5th h. Nep trines his 1st h.Ur. The affair and the child fulfill something unique, even eccentric, about him that he's proud of. Check out the webvideos she made of him. He says he wants to be revealed publicly for who he is, not just a Ken doll.

They each have a Sun/Mars conj; their natal Mars are squared which produces friction to be sure, but still not insubstantial. Her Sat. squares his 11th h. Moon/Jup/Juno which reflects the child, the affair[Juno] and the wrecking of his public idealism. They're connected for better or worse.

Look at Edwards' Sat/Nept on the cusp of her 5th h. of children and love affairs, opposite her Merc/Jup. on the cusp of her 11th h. With his son tragically lost in a car accident, not to mention a mate with a terminal illness, I wager he would be averse to turning his back on his own kin/blood.

His 11th h. Venus trines her 3rd. h. Uran/Pl, both retrograde. Perhaps this is a backwards love, the horse before the cart. Each also possesses an 11th h. Venus, which gives an Aquarian off-beat friendship cast to romantic liasons.

Her 11th h. Venus squares his 2nd. h. Pluto, which speaks of the $$ exchanges going on to keep her hidden, the baby cared for, etc. Two Venus-Pluto interchanges say this is fated, tumultuous, life-changing [more like life-churning], volcanic, explosive, possessive-oriented. The sq. goes to his Pl. in 2nd h. He will own this child publicly in due time, but I bet he's owning it already in private.

His Juno/Moon/Jup opposes her Juno. Yes, an affair was inescapable, once their ships had passed in the night. He has a loaded 12th h.-Sun/Mars/Merc. in Gemini, signalling hidden affairs, hidden strength, hidden resolutions. Her NN conj. his Merc, sq. her own Sun shows her cross-purposes with herself touched on a fundamental schism within him that perhaps he wanted to come to grips with once and for all.

I don't care how public they are; humans are susceptible to wanting to transform on a deep personal level. Everybody has a Uranus and a Pluto. Everyone gets hit by outer planet transits. He got hit by Neptune trining his Gemini planets, and Ur. squaring them and Pl. opposing that Mars in late Gem. for the last two years. He wanted deep inner/interpersonal change. Being Prez would not have helped. He would have had to keep the pretty facade and tend to far larger universal issues, prety much a contradiction right there. His road to the White House ended with Kerry, quiet as it's kept. Planets in the 12th house can mean that we cannot see a person clearly because his public image is distorted. Often public office holders with a 12th house Sun undergo extreme personal sacrifice and ego attacks. Some have speculated that this prepares them for the humiliation that comes with ignominy associated with the 12th house.
I can't help think of the Susan Sarandon film Stepmom where she was terminally-ill and Julia Roberts was the next up wifey. This is really an intensely personal dilemma for John and Elizabeth Edwards and now for Rielle Hunter as well.

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